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Please vote my wish i really need it :(
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 I wish my hair starts to grow faster,longer and stronger for the rest of my life with magic in them so when i wish for anything it would come true in 2 seconds.

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4222 /8585 Category : Other Wishes

Posted at : Aug 24 2015  |  Votes : 37
Category : Other Wishes
WishID : 9220  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish my hair grow super long, fast, strong and healthy for the rest of my life with magic in them so what ever i wished for it could come true in 2 seconds.
Aug 24 2015
Other Wishes
  Deseo tener una piedra de los deseos es decir una piedra que me cumpla deseos , ser delgada , jugar muy bien futbol, correr rapido , esquibar , cantar hermoso , imitar voces ,tener una piel sin imperfecciones y que mi mama con mi papa se ganen la loteria.
Aug 23 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to become beautiful to the eye of the beholder, I want naturally straight hair that is tailbone length that can never damage, it will be thick, beautiful, healthy, and soft. I want my skin to be flawless, soft and beautiful , no more eczema, stretch marks, bumps, or acne. I want my smile to bright up a persons day, I want it to be desired and beautiful, with perfect straight white teeth, I want my nose to become smaller, and become a shape that is so beautiful that goes well with my face, I want my eyebrows to be perfectly shaped, I want my eyes to sparkle, get bigger, and the color to be green, I want mt eyelashes to grow longer, thicker, and curl upward beautifully, I want my lips to be pink, soft, luscious and beautiful, I want my stomach to look beautiful and be flat. I want my hands to be so soft. I just want to be and feel beautiful
Aug 23 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to get the ability to wish when i think about the wish then say "go" then snap my fingers and it will instantly come true in 3 more seconds....
Aug 23 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I had unlimited wishes for the rest of my life and when I think of a wish I want to come true it will come true when I lick the corner of my lips this will start working today at 5:30 pm when I wish that I can find 20 dollars in the garage.
Aug 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I can turn into a golden white fox when I say fox and I wish I have gold and white wings and I have a gold and white fox tail and if you are reading this wish can you please vote for my other wishes please my other wishes are 9193 and 9194 and this wish and if you vote I can vote for your wish
Aug 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I can have unlimited wishes for the rest of my life and if I think of a wish it would happen after I smile with my teeth showing and this will start happening at 5:00 pm today
Aug 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish jerry Williams would stop ignoring my texts and talk to me , break down the walls and barriers that are between us. reuinite us again. jerry willims call me. I need a miracle. get help with past bills. end this lonliness. true love soulmate.i need shower curtain. new bed set, curtains , new stuff for my apartment. new clothes. new couch. ect. I need miracle. in everything. more wishes to come true. I want a cat. I want a car. I need 323.00 for divorce.
Aug 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that i could go to vietnam next year when 7 grade is over and stay vietnam forever and never.and when i press save your wish it will come true already
Aug 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that i could go vietnam again next year and stay there forever when im done with 7 grade and i go to vietnam and when i press save your wish it will come true already
Aug 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I want to can turn in to sexy girl in my age, with blue eyes and long, straight, blond hair when I say: ,, I want to be girl.'' and turn back when I say: ,,I want to be boy''. Transformations will take 3 minutes. I want to feel all of my body's changes, but without pain and blood. This is my wish. Please make my wish come true.
Aug 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that i could go vietnam next year and stay there forever and i could go when i done with 7 grade so i could go vietnam and stay there and i wish that i could have magic crystals
Aug 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that my friend hli was here at her house right now and i wish that when i wish for something my wish come true like 5 second and i wish that my hair grow in 4 in
Aug 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that as soon as this gets 8 votes I will be able to transform from a tiger to a human whenever I want, all I have to do is imagine me transforming into a tiger and when I want to change back I have to imagine me transforming from a tiger into a human.
Aug 20 2015
Other Wishes
Next 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I Wish I Had A Magic Typewriter With Ribbon Already In It And It Never Runs Out. Plus Anyone Who Votes This Wish Get's The Magic Royal Typewriter.BYE
Aug 24 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish i have a happy life in a big hotel with rooms and AC and a pool in the back with a sky view at the top that show part of the world. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Aug 24 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that on the morning of 1/11/16, I will find a gold and white wishing stone small enough for my pocket but big enough that I can find it again. I wish that it would be able to grant things I whisper to it within a month. I wish that I would also be really responsible with it and it would always end up in my pocket when I lost it. Whenever I wanted it.
Aug 24 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish i, Jose, and many get elected for student councilI wish I have very good visionI wish I have a crystal to have unlimited wishesI wish. My crush will love meI wish my mom is happy I have websites to make new friendsI wish I was healthy and ate healthy
Aug 26 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish my 6 year old brother lost weightI wish Jose m will love my BFF I wish I had a death noteI wish my groups are popular on QuotevI wish my stories were popularI wish I saw all the animes I wish to see and the ones I want to see in the future I wish I have all my ocs for the animes and my crushesI wish I had unlimited space on my tabletI wish I had a good life in middle, high, and collegeI wish I had a clean room
Aug 26 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I can go to the world of English dubbed animes and a Nyan cat. Because I want to travel and I want to live with other animes and do adventures..
Aug 26 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I can sing and beatbox exactly like Reginald Lucien Frank Roger "Reggie" Watts. I can also play the keyboard as good as him and I can sing his song called "Tweet yourselves Right" the best.
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that the Telenor 3G Internet Service speed in my City would be increased to 500 MB/s and they would offer 1 month free internet for everyone starting 28 August 2015
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish i was a women that had very big breasts, with very wide and very round hips, and had light blue color eyes, and had a sexy bikini body, and red fuller lips, and a very big butt
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish i was a women that had very big and round breasts, and my face was very beautiful with green color eyes with very long eyelashes , and my body had very round and wide hips and that my butt was very big and round and that my skin was soft and smooth, and that i had really long blond hair, and very long fingernails and toenails and that my name was Rylee Jazz
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that i would find the Magic Crystal from under my pillow and that it will make all my wishes come true in 1 day when i whisper them to it
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that i get a letter from colleguim charter school that i passed 5th grade in 1 month or 2 and that i am going to 6th grade with my friends and that i am a an amazing artist
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to be skinny, super intelligence, have a shugo chara that has ears and tail of a cat, a katana be athletic strong jump and climb high and I want to talk read and write japanese.
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to lose my right eye, and I want hair hair to become long and I want it in a red natural color and wish for my aunt Lilliana to come back to life and my hole family to make in two days 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000$
Aug 27 2015
Other Wishes