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 Hello one night i experienced seeing a ghost and i was so afraid can you help me get the ghost away from me and i will like everything to go back to normal

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Posted at : Feb 21 2019  |  Votes : 5
Category : Peace
WishID : 19578  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Peace
  I wish that i be a beautiful model like heather banie and that i be a size 1 and that i have my body like Victoria secret models. And that i have alot of guy friends and boyfriends i also wish that i stop being jealous of other girls and that i stop looking at girls and thinking about them abd the girls in my school and that all of the girls in the world don't look at me no matter how prettt i am that they dont look at me or tell me im pretty that they just ignore me and that i dont get jealous if they say nice things to my sister or call my sister pretty. And that if i wear sexy clothes that only boys flirt with me and i wish i could stop being scared if girls and fight back when they say something bad about me or if they're looking at me and everyday i go outside or to school that i ignore everyone and pretend that everything and everyone id invisible. I wish that god empty my mind of all anxiety,fear,and all sense of insecurities and fulfill it with courage,peace,and calm assurance.
Feb 20 2019
  Can I stay home forever when my mother forces me out of the house and force me to get a job, can relax forever and not work on the house sometimes in time.
Feb 15 2019
  I wish Marko from the lost boys vampire movie 1987 film to come real as a real life vampire.i want him to dress the same what he looked like in the movie everything the same even his hair everything.i want him to have the same vampire face.and same voice.and same age i want him to have the same motorcycle but a little bit different i want a seat of the back of it.i want him to be loyal to me forever and be nice to be takeup for me everything nice.and i want his personality to be the same to.i want him to have a house in Bellevue Kentucky with a 1 bedroom room and a king size bed and furniture I want this wish to come true as soon as possible no one can't change this wish it will last forever and when this wish comes I want him to come and pick me up 1 a.m. in the morning may this wish last forever
Feb 13 2019
  I wish there are no natural disasters every year,just world peace with no big bang every year and every centuries just a happy life on earth and space
Feb 09 2019
  I wish America has a better president than orange and a better vice president than "rhymes with fence". I wish no more shutdowns and no more wasting money on stupid stuff. That means no wall or fence. I wish America and its so called leaders would work for the happiness and security and prosperity of all people, especially the voters INSTEAD of working for corporations and/or the elite rich. This or better is my wish.
Jan 28 2019
  I wish that all national and international Chuck E. Cheese’s restaurants will have mandatory “No Hit Zone”, “No Latex Allowed”, and “No Punish Zone” policies.
Jan 19 2019
  I wish the chaos,disaster and destruction is permanently gone and the earth is clean and the houses and buildings are magically rebuild and the asteroids are tiny-size
Jan 18 2019
  I wish I have a guardian angel watching over me and protecting me from all harm and destruction and I would know and find out who my guardian angel is
Jan 18 2019
  I wish I was cured of all struggles from the past and protected from them, including mental illnesses. I wish infinite positivity would come into my life (for me). I wish I was motivated to do all that I love. I wish I would be very successful and happy. I wish I would have infinite energy to be used in a productive way. I wish I would strong and resilient. I wish I would think positively. I wish I would be independent and capable. I wish I would make the most out of my life. I wish I would be exceedingly happy. I wish I would meet my higher self. I wish I would be incredibly in tune with my third eye. I wish I would go on adventures often and be truly positive. I wish I would avoid negatives and focus only on the positive.
Jan 13 2019
  I wish the all the child abused animal abused and elder abused would stop right now everybody is loved and cared for including all the living animals
Jan 12 2019
  I wish the evil devil and all the evil demons and bugs from hell would live in planet Mars forever and ever and hell won't be hell no More hell would be rocks with no fire and lava
Jan 04 2019
  I wish I had a lot of money and never go broke and to always be lucky and to have a happy life and no more stress and to have an awesome iPad to be able to watch videos on bigger screen
Jan 01 2019
  I wish to have 4 albums out, i wish to have a documentary called kehlani kardashian: the path to fame, i wish i had 60 million dollars, i wish i was friends with billie eilish, ariana grande, cardi b and bts, i wish to not have my period
Dec 27 2018
  I shall get that all the powers and things in tonight and everyone shall vote my wish and i shall get 100 votes and my wish .and i will meet the real santa Claus and he shall give me my gifts .all my wish shall come true.i shall get my piwers and i shall become a powerful wizard .and i shall become first in my class 8.
Dec 23 2018
Next 14 Wishes at category Peace
  I wish I had a magical genie that will grant me one million wishes for me my family and for the whole world and if you do this for me I will grant you you're wish so you don't have to write please do this not for me but for you
Feb 27 2019
  I wish the world becomes a safer place to live let our children run dance and play without evil let us all rejouice in peace and harmony we all want to be able to live in a heavenly world well please vote for me and let it all become heavenly in the name jesus bless us all and let us live without evil
Mar 03 2019
  I wish that i will get a juul (vape) and 4 mango pods, im am 18 so it wont be illegal but i dont have a job right now so i dont have money right now, im going through alot so it would really help, please and thankyou i believe in wishes
Mar 06 2019
  I wish that this year 2019 will turn out to be great for me. I will be able to prove my capabilities to everyone. Those who took me lightly will be ashamed thinking that they thought so. I wish that this year will bring the best of my life and will be a stepping stone to my future. Thank you for reading...plz vote my wish. I will vote everyone's .
Mar 10 2019
  I wish to receive and take a real x-change plus pill as described in: From Design Your Own X-Change v2: Electric BoobalooPlusPale Skin (-2)Red Hair (-1)Thin Body (-1)Big Boobs (-1)Bubble Butt (-2)Husband ( 4)Submissive ( 3)
Mar 25 2019
  I wish wanjira ruguru njeri wangeci hellen burn in hell forever because of their evil deeds..i wish to move out of my auntys house and establish my own life without going through so much pain and frustrations
Mar 29 2019
   I wish Cancer, Tumors, Heart Attacks, Asthmas, Strokes, Autisms and Diseases will all Magically go away Forever and never come back to bother us again, Please Grant This Wish for me Thank You.
Apr 01 2019
  I wish that I became a werewolf when I am upset and to be very very popular and for me to randomly be able to warp into other movies please make this come to 100 VOTES by 1st of May or 16th of May please I will do anything
Apr 03 2019
  Deseo que la vivienda que estamos esperando salga bien en poco tiempo. Deseo salud mental y amor. Deseo alejar a todas las personas que me quieren hacer daño de mi vida.
Apr 17 2019
  I wish to stop thinking about my past that could have broke up my boyfriend and I. I want to wake up refreshed and to not think about it because he forgave me.
May 05 2019
  Hanna to melt and bosrs be real and be look like my dream and have baby in my mom tummy and baby boy and big house and red car and be tall and have boyfriend and be happy and have no min no TT no being maen
May 22 2019
  Hey My Name Is Zaid Badat And Please I Really Wish To Live With My Carly Rae Jepsen My Mom In Canada Forever And For Good Now Right Now Pretty Please And Please I Really Should Of Been Born With My Carly Rae Jepsen My Mom In Canada Forever And For Good
May 27 2019
  Brother and sister a 16 yaer old brother brown and 1 yaer old sister and puppy and a big room and lot of light and my mom be a teacher and my dad be name art be brown and fat Petra be brown with Bob and black hair and blue eye and my puppy be blonde and my brthday be at August 6 and be in 11 grade
May 31 2019
  I wish I have telekinesis to move things with my mind and my hands and not get crazy and be clam. I wish I have a notebook to write me down wishes that will come true faster.
Jun 06 2019