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 I wish my 1-10 wishes and addons and my online wishes with my 15 rules apply and my wish will come 100% real and true and i have 900 billion wishes when i say i wish it will come true as well

Light all candles by getting 100 votes and this wish will be GOLD
A gold Wish is 500% more possible to come true

4112 /8585 Category : Other Wishes

Posted at : Jul 21 2015  |  Votes : 14
Category : Other Wishes
WishID : 9036  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish that the mailman comes at 12:00 pm afternoon and gives me a letter from colleguim charter school that i passed 5th grade and that i am going to 6th grade with my friends
Jul 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that the mailman comes today at 12:00 and gives me a letter from colleguim charter school that i passed 5th grade and that i am going to 6th grade
Jul 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I could have postaxial polydactyly, having six fingers on each hand like Stanford Pines. Also that my entire family would think I've always been like this.(I know this seems like a petty and childish wish. Sorry.)
Jul 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish my parents will let me be gothic and will buy me whatever gothic cloths i want and will buy me spell books and other stuff and that once this wish has 8 likes i will automaticlly get 2 magic crystals in black and red under my pillow and that if anybody hurts me by emotions or buy fighting,hitting,punching, etc i will faint and for 1 second a ball of flash surround me and i will have maleficent wings grow and i will grow small horns on my head and my eyes would turn a fiery red orange yellow and until i am calm i will transform back into a human and i can also transform whenever i want
Jul 20 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish this wish could come true right when it hits 8 votes, but I want to wake up on Tuesday July 21st in the morning to find a journal under my pillow that actually grants a wish per page, and that every wish I write, can come true within 5 minutes after I write them. Thank you for voting!
Jul 18 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that i had a twin sister with long beautiful hair as i described it and people will like her in school and that she is my dancing partner and we can look like were dancing at the same time whenever we want and we can turn into something beautiful like steven universe but not with multitple body parts and that she looks how i described her in other sites and is more beautiful than i expected her to be and that she does great talent and does the things that i said she does in other sites and does things i how described her to do it and she can do it better than i expected and that she has wishing powers and will take me out at night at fantasy worlds and mythical places and that she is always right beside me and she can run fast and do all the cool things and she gets straight As and good grades and is a christian and knows alot about the bible and that she can get a yes most of the time whenever ever she asks for something good and she has great body
Jul 18 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish The anime Attack on titan becomes real, There are giant titans that eat people and the characters come real to. When i first watched the anime it was awesome and that is when i wanted this wish. I want the walls to become real the characters the titans i want EVERYTHING!!!!! Its a big wish. And also i want a different family but.... same friends and i want to be the only child and got trained by my dad and that i am a human titan were i can turn into a titan to help the human out.... Like Eren! SO WHOS WITH ME!!! WHO WANTS THIS TO HAPPEN I DO ITS A HUGE WISH!!! EVEN MY OTHER FRIENDS WISH THIS PLEASE. I want Samantha Bree and me to be sisters. Cheyenne was my Fiend. PLEASE VOTE. I WANT THIS DONE ON AUGUST 13th
Jul 18 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that a box would appear on my bed. In the box there will be an amulet. The amulet will be made out of gold or gold paint metal with a big unbreakable gem in the center. Whenever I touch the amulet and think or say "amulet make me ______"(the blank is for a animal name)I will be transformed into that animal. And when I've had my fun while in animal form and want to change back I just think while touching the amulet "amulet make me _____" (the blank is for my human name).My transformations will be completely painless but ill be able to see them happen(like the fur growing or the tail sprouting)While I'm in animal form I will have complete control over my new body. I can talk to human through a sort of thought speech and be in the new body for as long as I want. Please vote I've been dying for it to happen really badly. You may think its a weird wish but you don't understand how I feel about it so I hope this site is not a fake.
Jul 18 2015
Other Wishes
  I am not comfortable with the gender I was born as, and every passing second I just want to kill myself because I am not the person that I want to be. I hate being a boy, and to be a girl would be a dream come true! So please help me because I think I might actually kill myself because I am not who I want to be. Thank You!
Jul 16 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish i get anything and everything that i want or dream or picture in my mind or any images that are on my mobile devices or the way i want to look or my abilities or my lifestyle as well as where i live and the style of my house and my friends or my name
Jul 16 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to have a wish notebook so when i write my wish it has to start with "i wish" and ends with "in 3 seconds" and it will work in 3 seconds even for hard wishes it will work and i will find it in my room on the floor and the front and the notebook is 7 inches long and 5 inches wide and the color is blue and purple
Jul 16 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I had very beautiful,enormous ,bright dark-blue eyes,I wish I had very plump and full lips with a perfect cupid bow,colored in coral naturally,I wish I had a very sensual,beautiful,sweet and breathy,little bit husky singing and talking voice,I wish I had middle-thigh long ,wavy and shiny hair on head,with a beautiful brownish-reddish color.I wish I had a perfect,slim,toned,feminine body which is very seductive and sensual,innocent.I wish I had perfect ,flawless and glowing pale skin on my whole body and face.I wish I had 100000 real dollars to help my mom with the family budget and the vacation.I wish I had a magic wandto make all my wishescome true instantly.I wish this wishes and all the wishes I will write on a paper and then burn will become true instantly
Jul 15 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish it would start raining all winter and all spring in California for the rest of time. We're in the middle of a severe drought and desperately need the water. California used to be so lush and green when I was a kid. Now it's too dry and slowly becoming a desert. The climate needs to go back to what it used to be.
Jul 15 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that from the very beginning of my life I was born a women and everybody's memories of me was as a women and that I would be very pretty and my crush would fall helplessly in love with me.
Jul 15 2015
Other Wishes
Next 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish that the mailman comes and brings me a letter from colleguim charter school that i passed 5th grade and that i am going to 6th grade with my frends
Jul 21 2015
Other Wishes
  For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a female.I always wanted to be pretty, and not have the you-know-whats...Fairly recently, I imagined a female that I would want to be.She has fair skin, long brown hair, and brilliant green eyes.If I become her, it will make me very happy.I would also want everyone else I know to have their memories change to me being this female when the wish comes true.I want my name to be Alyx when it comes true
Jul 21 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to look however i want whenever i want and sound however i want and to be on whatever TV show or movie i want whenever i want and whatever i want to happen on that show will happen and have any dancing or flexibility or gymnastic ability i want and anything and everything i ever want for as long as i want whenever i want and for this wish to last forever PLEASE!
Jul 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to have a wish journal that a sentence begins with "I wish" and i write down the date of the day and year and time that i want the wish to come true then it comes true whenever i want it to come true and no rules apply ever and that the wish journal will work forever and the wish journal will never get lost
Jul 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that on the morning of the last day of this month ( 7-31-2015 ) a blue sand (black) crystal from this website will be under my pillow and it would grant all of my wishes and make them come true all i would have to do is it put it in my hands and make a wish and would come true instantly no matter what and i will have this crystal forever
Jul 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I will wake up one day born on Sep. 25, 1997 and be 17 years old. I will have graduated high school with a high school diploma and a driver's license. Everything else would be the same. I am doing this in pursuit of a happy and better life. All votes are deeply appreciated.
Jul 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that this wish is to last forever and automatically come true after 8 votes for this wish that i get a wish journal that makes all my wishes come true whenever i want them to and the wish is granted the way that i mean the wish to come true and that i can never lose the wish journal and that the wishes alst as long as i want them to
Jul 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that this wish lasts forever and will automatically come true after this wish gets voted 8 times that i get a wish journal that grants all of my wishes that are written down that will come true however,whenever i want them to no rules apply to wishes ever written and the wishes last as long as i want them to no rules apply ever and the journal can never get lost
Jul 22 2015
Other Wishes
  I want a magic stopwatch that can stop time. The frame will be golden with my name engraved in it, the glass will be crystal clear and the button will be smooth, clean and cherry apple red. When I press the button, time will stop. Technology will still work, and the only thing that can move is me and the objects that I move. I can also still breathe when time is stopped. When time is stopped, nobody can see me or move, and it feels like they blinked. The stopwatch will come in a neat, white package with a brillant red bow, addressed to me. To unpause time and make everyone move again, I just click the button a second time. The stopwatch cannot break or get dirty. The glass will not crack. Nothing bad will happen when I pause time. The watch will arrive on August 1st, 2015.
Jul 23 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I was a gem like in Steven Universe. My gem would be a bright green Apatite, and my weapon would be a light green version of Pearl's staff. I'd know how to use my gem perfectly. My gem would be on the back of my left hand. It would be a circular shape with a circle cut, not smooth. I can fire green lightning bolts from my staff, and shapeshift, and I have great agility. I'd also have a new person move in to the flat across from me. It would be a girl, and she would also be a gem. Her gem would be a bright gold topaz, and it would be located on her upper back. She knows how to use her gem perfectly. Her weapon would be a whip (like Amethyst) except the spikes would be yellow and smooth. Her powers would be that she can stretch the whip to great lengths, she can also shapeshift, and finally, she can see the future. When fused, our weapon, like Opal, is a bow and arrow. When fused, we have both of our powers. Our fusion is called Emerald. Please grant this wish on August 9th, 2015.
Jul 23 2015
Other Wishes
  Also, as a follow-up to my Steven Universe wish, everyone will have memories of me being a gem, and Emerald (me and Topaz's fusion) will be completely stable, and will not go insane like Sugilite or Malachite. Please vote for the first Steven Universe wish too!
Jul 23 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that when I wake up on the morning of friday july 24 I will have a pink journal that when I write a wish in it beggining with "I wish" and finishing with "that's all for now" all the wishes I write in it will come true.
Jul 23 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that every wish that i say will come true but when i say this it must begin with " i wish". I can controle things and and what the things will do.
Jul 23 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that as soon as I get 8 votes on this wish I will automatically have a pink notebook under my pillow that when i write in it it grants my wishes just by starting with "I wish" and finishing with " and that's all for today" and I get unlimited wishes in the notebook.
Jul 24 2015
Other Wishes