Make a Wish come True - HOME >> Categories >> Other Wishes >> WishID: 10643
Brandon Mcbee
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 I wish for a Magic Staff that grants me an unlimited amount of wishes anytime and anywhere I want and can only be held by me, so 100 votes to have this wish granted.

4887 /8585 Category : Other Wishes

Posted at : Jun 16 2016  |  Votes : 113
Category : Other Wishes
WishID : 10643  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish to quit my job at McDonald's and never work with united disability service in akron ever again and go back to portage lakes career center as a full day student til 2020 with class of 2015 students and everything will be the same and the students will be glad to return to portage lakes career center til 2020 that during my 4 years in portage lakes career center junior first year,senior second year,junior. third year and senior fourth year and i will take horticulture with mrs comes there and academics mrs wigand will be my english and social studies teacher and Mr hodge will be my math and science teacher and during lunch I'll have the table to myself and my bus driver lyod will pick me up from my new home address is 918 myrtle ave Cuyahoga falls oh with other kids from cuycuyohga falls and he'll pick me up at 6:15am and 7,000,000,000,000 one,ten,twenty fifty dollars and money coins
Jun 16 2016
Other Wishes
  I wake up and it's April 10th 2016, and the time since then was just a nightmare and me and Jesse are still together and me and serenity never got into a fight and i get to see my sisters in a week and schools not really out. And then about a week later, my dad and stepmom win the lottery and I get a completely new wardrobe and get my room decorated exactly the way I want it decorated
Jun 15 2016
Other Wishes
   I wish that I will have a magic spell book with some magic spells how to get powers and become things and some empty pages. The empty pages are for write my own spells and to write my wishes.It will appear under my pillow when I get it.
Jun 15 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish for an Obeject that can Identify Names of Hebrew-Language Voice Actors (Written in Hebrew) by A Picture/Video of a Dubbed/Voiced Character (Animated or Live-Action Character) from TV Shows, Movies, Video Games and Shorts, or by Hearing it's Character Voice from TV Shows, Movies, Video Games and Shorts.Most of Identified Characters by Picture/Video will also show list of order of Hebrew Voice Actors from the first to the Latest.Pre-Aired/Pre-Premiered Dubbed/Voiced Characters are Not Included until their Actual Airing/Premiere arrives.Need 100 Votes to make this Wish come true this week.
Jun 14 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish all of my wishes that i wrote on the app that i always use it for draw/write things on it, it all come true! (hope u guys will vote, that mean to me so much :))
Jun 14 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish for the Ultimate Strength Enhancement Spell to have Super Strength to move very heavy objects quickly and effortlessly. I need 100 votes to have this wish granted.
Jun 13 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that when this wish gets 100 votes I would instantly become a girl by heart,mind,and soul I would get a smaller petite body with an hour-glass figure. My breast would gradually grow and develop breast milk. My penis would become my vagina and my testes would become my ovaries. My skin will never have acne or cracks, instead it will be soft but firm. The skin on my breast will be smoother and 1 of the sensative parts of my body mostly the perky nipples. My adams apple would be small and invisible which would make me a soft and sweet voice all the time. I would also have cat ears and tail if it reaches 100 votes. The cat tail will be soft like a pillow and fluffy like the stuffing in a teddy bear. My cat ears would let's hear stuff from miles away, but only 1 object at a time or I could get a really bad headache. The fur would be almond brown like my long silky hair on my head that can never tangle. My red pupils will be that of a cat which will let me clearly see in the dark.
Jun 13 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that my hair will grow 20x faster and grow all the down to my knees and then it will stop growing but when i cut it again it will grow to my knees and it would be long and healthy hair it would be wavy and my hair color would be brown with blond strips of hair. I would also get beautiful emerald green eyes forever. i would have a great fashion sense and i would always eat all types of foods and sleep by myself in my room.
Jun 12 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that when I am in Poland I will trip with my aunt and my cousins to an amusement park because we almost never see each other and it would be great if we could meet a day.
Jun 12 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that i had a wish book and any wish i wrote in it came true instantly even wishes that sound too impossible weill alos come true also and when i reach 100 votes this wish will come true and for everyone that votes something good will also happen to them as well.
Jun 12 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish to have a California Driver's License and to own a Honda Accord Hybrid Sedan, so I need 100 votes to have this wish come true as soon as possible.
Jun 11 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish for Verbal Teleportation, so I can say the name of a specific location, and will be teleported there. Please I need a 100 votes to have this wish come true.
Jun 11 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish to leave this reality immediately and be taken to my personal heaven world where all my dream's and my fantasies can all come true and more for all eternity.
Jun 10 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish i had an real 2011 IC CE school bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 09 2016
Other Wishes
Next 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish that "A Bug's Life" was much more over-rated as many other Disney
Jun 16 2016
Other Wishes
  The Sixth grade friends i had will be my friends forever ,My first day of school is on September 15th beacuse July 14th is too early,and i had straight A's
Jun 16 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish somebody would buy me a Spiritual Wish Box from, so please I need 100 votes to have this wish come true as soon as possible.
Jun 17 2016
Other Wishes
  I have a Magic Notebook that whenever I write in it and it will come true and it will be on my family desktop and it will Lasts 8062 pages, also it will be very light like 0 pounds and it wouldn't hurt anybody by that i mean if i threw it on somebody it wouldn't hurt. The book would have to be like a normal book coverage the book coverage has to be a beautiful babyblue color and everybody would know it's mine and wouldn't throw it away.
Jun 17 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that people on the internet will have more empathy. This means that whoever is on the internet will have more empathy for someone who is offended and that people will stop using diseases/disorders as an insult.
Jun 18 2016
Other Wishes
   I wish that my family had to move to florida. And we would live right next to the beach. Our house would be a beachfront home with a beautiful ocean view. The house inside would look very beautiful it would have 5 bedrooms 5 bathrooms,a beautiful living room,and a beautiful kitchen. and in my bedroom i would have a big closet,a big bathroom, and a big bedroom and the house outside would have lushes green grasses and beautiful plants and flowers. with a infinite pool in our backyard. And at school i would have no problem with making friends on the very first day of school i would make the most best friends in the world and we would be BFF'S forever. And i would make a really cute,sweet,kind,rich,loving,athletic,nice,protective,caring boyfriend. And my parents would buy me my own baby labrador my labrador would have golden fur and green eyes and would be well mannered,nice,cute,sweet,she would sleep on my bed with me,she would be my best friend forever. and she would like to cuddle.
Jun 19 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish i could experience what its like to live as opposite gender temporary or long term.I want to what my life would have been like had i been born that way instead. I want to understand them better and just experience something very interesting.
Jun 21 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish i had a 5 book that gives me wishes that i write down or put a picture in the book or both and that will come true. it be under my pillow. this will come true at 10 votes.
Jun 21 2016
Other Wishes
  Once I hit 100 likes I want to instantly be remembered as a girl and to have sexy G cup breasts and be 5 feet tall with a large bubble butt swift hips thick thighs a thin torso and long dirty blonde hair a beautiful face have a beautiful voice and everyone know me as Macy Finch and I want it to happen at 12:30 am
Jun 21 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that whenever I wanted, I could make a piece of artwork appear instantly. I just have to imagine it, and wish that it was on my computer, and a new tab will open with the image that I can download. I can do any style, with anything, and it will always be amazing. I will offer free pictures to everyone, and make them appear instantly.
Jun 22 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish for 6 books that have unlimited wishes that can be impossible or not come true at any time. and unlimited pages. there will be no problems with it. i could write down the wish and it will come true or attach a picture or both. you write a place to put it. if not it will be placed where this room for it. in votes 8
Jun 22 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I had an A in Algebra 2 for semesters 1
Jun 22 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish for a watch called the omnitrix that can make you into any alien from the Ben 10 unvierse and the omnitrix would keep getting aliens as the shows goes on
Jun 23 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish for 6 books that looks different. they look like assassin creed and soul eater note books that has different pictures but it says wish under the title but the other people can't wish on it. that has unlimited wishes that can be impossible or not impossible. come true at any time i wish and unlimited pages. there will be no problems with it. i could write down the wish and it will come true or attach a picture or both. you write a place to put. if not it will be paced where their is room for it. also a 2 necklace that does the same thing but look like assassin creed symbols. when it come true my eyes be able change into what i want like dragon eyes or a cross in each eye or to different shape in each eye some thing like that. i have to think of which.
Jun 24 2016
Other Wishes