Make a Wish come True - HOME >> Categories >> Other Wishes >> WishID: 15561
Brandon Mcbee
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 I wish for these Abilities: Telekinesis, Invulnerability, Superhuman Longevity, Superhuman Senses, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Durability, Super Leap, and Super Balance.

6590 /8585 Category : Other Wishes

Posted at : Jul 19 2018  |  Votes : 100
Category : Other Wishes
WishID : 15561  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish for a grey nature Ogre from Mystic Morning Treasures that will be simple and friendly once I'm his keeper, plus I'll have protection and it will guard me against all spiritual threats and attacks.
Jul 19 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish the actors/actresses that i love will be christians and their names will change to christian popular names they will all will love me and m.5 k.a m.a mr a.a.e e.a s.e h.e will be members of my family some of them will be from my mother's and some of them will be from my father's they will love me so much all the actors/actresses that i love will love me too and They will love me as a sister and they will tell me if there is something wrong with them and i will help them they will tell me their secrets and all my wishes will come true thank you
Jul 19 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish that my crush will be christian and he will love and always love me forever nobody else and when we get older he will marry me we will have a happy wedding and marriage our wedding day will be so big and beautiful there will be all the people that i love and who really loves me he will make for me big surprieses and many in our wedding day and he will live with me in my big castle in tagmo3 el5ames
Jul 19 2018
Other Wishes
  Oh and my other wishes that when this happen i want to have a big castle in eltagamo3 el5ames and all these people some of my mother's and faher's family the people that i know/love will live with us too and the actors that i said thier names will be older than me 5 years and i will be born in 1997 i will have three smaller sister my real sister one of them will be younger than me 1 year the other two years and the other 6 years and i want to have long strong hari that will be beautiful and will be curly when i want and straight when i want in the both will be beautiful and i will have a little wide and beautiful hazel eyes and my skin and body will be whiter 7 degrees and all my body will be Thinner 25 kilogram and will be taller 15 cm and i will be so funny and beautiful and lovely actress some people hate me but who loves me will be more and i will be funnier than ali rabee or just as him and pleae vote for me thanke you
Jul 19 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish for a power that makes me 7 months pregnant instantly when I say the phrase it's pregnancy time and takes the pregnancy away when I snap my fingers three times in a row.
Jul 19 2018
Other Wishes
  So when i first went to high school,this boy i wanted to be friends with this one boy i had in class name willie rivas and im hoping me and him were best friends
Jul 17 2018
Other Wishes
  That my ordered kpop album gets delivered to me this week. It’s supposed to be delivered to me in July 14th but it’s still at the Chicago ISC since July 8th but I live in Texas. I pray/believed that it’ll be delivered to me this week.
Jul 16 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish that I had a blue NBA headband and a yellow NBA arm band so that I can wear them to my basketball games and it will be easier to shoot the basketball with them.
Jul 14 2018
Other Wishes
   I wish my brother cousin drew, cousin brooke and I we made a song that was really good and we found the perfect studio to record in. Basically, people heard our song and we got a hit. We worked with people we want to. I worked with people that i wanted to also. we go meet our friends at school and hung out with them. And we performed at places in Houston first. Basically the best life ever. But also I passed all throughout my school life.
Jul 14 2018
Other Wishes
  I Wish I Had The Total Request Live: June 23, 2008 Broadcast On DVD And The Top 10 Videos Are:10. Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake And Timbaland - 4 Minutes 9. Ray J ft. Yung Berg - Sexy Can I8. Coldplay - Violet Hill7. The Pussycat Dolls - When I Grow Up6. Metro Station - Shake It5. Usher ft. Young Jeezy - Love In This Club4. Chris Brown - Forever3. Piles ft. Ne-Yo - Bust It Baby, Pt. 22. Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl1. Rihanna - Take A Bow
Jul 13 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish to be an attractive Asian girl in her mid-teens with a healthy and athletic body. I want to have and also be be this way with clothes which fit this new gender in various styles. I want to be fully genetically and physically female with no possibility of facial, body, or pubic hair but instead with long, silky, luxurious hair atop my head. In all this I wish for my new name to be Jaena.
Jul 09 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish that all my wishes come true in 31st july 2018 and happen in real life with no reprecotions and that every wish that i wish will come true for real once they hit 8 votes on this website
Jul 09 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish I was fluent in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swahili, Arabic, Swedish, Finnish Russian, and Chinese for the rest of my life.
Jul 09 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish that I was 4feet 11 inches tall and I will have hazel Green eyes and I will have long light brown waist length hair and I will have a slim hourglass figure and I will be 17 years old and I weigh 90 pounds and I will become famous and Lizzy wurst is my older sister and Lance Stewart and Lizzy wurst will ask me to move in with them today I wish I will have 300 million dollars. I wish Lizzy wurst will text me on Instagram and tell me that she is my sister.
Jul 08 2018
Other Wishes
Next 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish to have Psychic Abilities and I wish to have the ability to create and multiply anything including money, tangible items and more, plus I would still be able to multiply objects and items.
Jul 20 2018
Other Wishes
  My wish is to marry my loved one.we don't have family support .my lover family have a bad impression on me. My wish is to change their mind set and support my love.i want to marry my lover(abhilash)with both families support
Jul 20 2018
Other Wishes
   I wish my dad would retire quickly so we could sell the house and move next to my boyfriend's house in Three Rivers I wish I could afford the trip to Mackinac Island
Jul 20 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish there was a finding poppy movie from the animated movie trolls the version of finding nemo I read the story online and it was good please let it come true
Jul 20 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish for a light nature Male Elder Gold Djinn from Mystic Morning Treasures that will be spiritually evolved, calm, serene, guiding, and uplifting once I'm his master and keeper.
Jul 21 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish for a magic notebook with a magic pen under my pillow on my bed that whatever I write in the magic notebook with the magic pen would come true even if the wish is impossible.
Jul 21 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish that once I type in this wish that THEY WILL ALL BE GRANTED IMMEDIATELY AND CHANGE MY LIFE INSTANTLY!!!!!I wish that I will get whatever I want when I want. I wish that Ali, Taylor, Natalie and Lizzie will always think of me as their sister. I wish that I will make more friends. I wish that I will get whatever I want when I want it. I wish that I will always be beautiful like a victorious secret modle. I wish that Billy will ask me out the next time I see Ali. I wish that I would blossom overnight. I wish that I had clear perfect skin .I wish that I will have a successful, happy, graceful, safe, life with lots of friends.
Jul 21 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish that this wish will come true immediately!!! I wish that I looked like a victorious secret modle and I wish that Ali will always be able to stay the night tonight and she would stay the night tonight.
Jul 21 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish that nancy compean,Mariana Rivera,Jennifer Gonzales,Nicholas denson,Noemi moya,Bailey Morris, malayah fandino,WIllie rivas,Keara Pena,ruby Lopez and Krystal arambula and still be best friends with me and always hang out with each other
Jul 21 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish to have a big booty like blac chyna and skin lightskin caramel and slim stomach and short in height and plumped pink lips and white pearly teeth and my tooth is not chipped and long curly hair with baby edges and spotless glowing skin and and no hair on my legs,face and and vagina and live in southwest Lakeland FL in a house with my friends in southwest Lakeland and people come to our house and we have a car and we all could drive and I cook everyday and people stay overnight at our house and we have a 1000million dollar credit card and curly hair products and lots of gel and edge tamer and lots of earrings and I have all the fashion nova clothes and jeans and shorts that I like and all of the shoes that I like and all types of nail kits that I like and hazel green eyes and nail polish that I like and nails that i like and all types of lip gloss that I like croptops set that I like
Jul 22 2018
Other Wishes
  After I type these wishes they will all come true Immediately and Immediately Change My Life permanently!!!!!!I wish that I had a victorious secret modle beauty and body shape. I wish that I was extremely flexible for gymnastics. I wish I had long ,healthy, bright, rare , red hair immediately. I wish that Ali would come over this week. I wish that Billy will ask me out the next time I see Ali. I wish that I had superpowers. I wish I could makeshift into my spirit Animal immediately and permanently. I wish that I will grow and mature in grace, politeness,beauty, and kindness. I wish I had sirens singing voice. I wish that I was powerful like a goddess. All of this immediately and permanently.
Jul 22 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish I could pass during the retotalling of my 1st semester exam results. Please make it come true or else I'll have to appear in the exam again and will be getting an asterisk in the report card.
Jul 22 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish my mom would buy me an iPhone 6s Plus rosegold when I ask her for one, I wish to be 129 lbs forever with a toned stomach and perky boobs, I wish $20 would pop into my hand every time i wanted money.
Jul 22 2018
Other Wishes
  I wish my mom would buy me a rosegold iPhone 6s plus for my 16th birthday, I wish to lose weight and be 129 lbs forever with a toned stomach and perky boobs.
Jul 22 2018
Other Wishes