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 I wish that spy the movie from 2015 to be a full movie i wish that carrie white and carrie movies and annabelle movies and the doll annabelle who is with carrie and the conjuring movies and carrie posters to disappear i wish i could have an apple watch even my husband classified and skipper and dave and rico and short fuse and corporal and private and kowalski and eva could have one too and a lot of itunes cards even an a digital video camera for my husband classified even for skipper kowalski rico private eva short fuse dave corporal i wish that the north wind jet plane was at plover street 43 melton that me and classified skipper eva kowalski corporal rico short fuse dave and private to go to north wind headquaters

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4141 /8585 Category : Other Wishes

Posted at : Jul 29 2015  |  Votes : 15
Category : Other Wishes
WishID : 9089  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish everyone's wishes come true when ONE person votes there's, and that everyone's (as long as they aren't for bad, like a devil or something) wishes come true.
Jul 29 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish i could have inside out movie from 2015 i want it to be a full movie 270p when i wake up it will be on my bedroom floor even minions movie i want the minions to be a full movie it is from 2015 even we are your friends to be a full movie it is from 2015 even hot pursuit i want that to be a full a movie it is from 2015 i want paper towns it is from 2015 i want it to be a full movie
Jul 28 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish my husband classified he is on a piece of paperhe is standing on a block he has blue eyes i want the block and the paper to disappear i want classified to come to life i want him to jumped off the paper he can talk please vote i need 8 votes thank you
Jul 28 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that i had a pink green and pink wrist ban that grew out my arm and would secretly be Cosmo Wanda and Poof and only i can hear them and only they can grant all my wishes and only i can hear them and seem them when i call them out and that they'll love me and even when i grow up they don't go away
Jul 28 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish my husband classified he is a wolf he is on my bed he can talk i wish private the cute and cuddly penguin he can talk he is on my bed i wish dave the purple octopus he can talk he is on my bed i wish skipper the leader penguin he can talk he is on my bed i wish short fuse the harp seal he can talk he is on my bed i wish kowalski the smart penguin he can talk he is on my bed i wish corporal the polar bear he can talk he is on my bed i wish eva the snowy owl she can talk she is on my bed i wish rico the blow things up penguin he cant talk he is on my bed i want them all to come to life they are characters please i need use all to make them all to come to life i want them to remember my name it is ivan shumway please vote thank u
Jul 28 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to become a mermaid. When I become a mermaid I must say" I wish to become a mermaid".Then I will have a rainbow tail, three powers, and a full top. I can open my eyes in water and also breath underwater and this will not hurt. When I am done being a mermaid, I will say" I wish to be human" then I will have my legs back.
Jul 27 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that Naruto Shippuden was real. That I look like Hinata in Road to Ninja movie and have a body like her's but I wear a outfit like Sakura's first outfit only it is light pink and I have ino's hair color. I will be 16 be 5"4 and weight 110 lbs. And have a sweet personality but I can master any jutsu that someone uses on me. My best friend's name will be Rin Uchia and my name will be Miranda Harada. The other member of our team is Jasper Gar he is a water ninja. We are all 16. Rin will be 5"4 and weight 115lbs. And she will have black hair with mint green eyes, her personality is very flirty loud and happy all the time, unless I'm hurt. I will end up getting kidnapped by Sasuke for Orochimaru to give me the curse mark I will run away from them and bump into Itachi, Kisame, and Deidara. Itachi see's the curse mark and he grab's me holding me down with his legs and covering my mouth with one of his hands and burning the mark off with the other hand. We are all animated.
Jul 26 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I can control and let objects and people flow in the air with my hand and mind. When I control objects and people, only my mind will tell them and what it or them should do. Please, when this reaches 8 votes it will come true.
Jul 26 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that my birthmark disappears and that my real skin color on the opposite side takes over and I become extremely beautiful like india westbrooks
Jul 26 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I had a magical notebook and that it looks like just how I expected on the other sites of how I described it and that whenever I open it and write wishes they come true instantly and I can have them come true unless I write the day or hour I want it to come true and that this will be under my bed without anyone noticing but me until I find it and that no one else can open it until It asks for permission if anyone can open or write it in
Jul 24 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I had a notebook and it was fancy it looked just the way I explained It on other sites and whenever I open It I can open it unless the notebook ask me permission if he or she is allowed to open it up and see or write it in and I can write my wish and it will come true and the notebook will appear under my bed and no one will notice but me until I find it when I have to look under my bed for something and I can wish any wish and it will come true instantly unless I tell it what day or hour I want it to come true
Jul 24 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I had wishing powers where I can wish for good things and most of the good things and that there is always light in my hands whenever it comes true and that I will get magical shiny yellow wings that are medium sized and look big to other and whenever I get this I will know when I will get them whenever I get back pain and that I might one day show it off in school to family by mistake and that they will be impressed and amazed but shocked and surprised at the same time
Jul 24 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I will have a twin sister that has wishing powers and that she has long and beautiful hair more than I ever expected and that she will have pretty eyes that can change into colors and have pretty moving backgrounds in her eye and that she is very athletic and can do a lot of stuff more than I expected and that she will take me out In mythical places and fantasy worlds at night and what ever she teaches me I learn very fast and she has the biggest level for gymnastics and that she will get straight A's and can choose any grade that she wants and she has a nice and medium sized body with a big butt and big breasts and she can turn into any age up to 12-18 and that she can talk to animals and we can communicate in anyway and she is my dancing partner and we can dance the same like we want if were robots and we dance good of how I think of it and how I dream of it and more than that and she has a nice style and do a lot more than I expect and is prettier than I expect
Jul 24 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I was fluent in Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Latin. The languages will come in a burst of knowledge on August 1st, 11:00am GMT, 2015. The burst will not hurt. It will feel weird, but nice. I will never forget the languages. Also, life goes on as normal after I am fluent in every language. No, my brain will not explode. There will be no bad outcomes.
Jul 24 2015
Other Wishes
Next 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish that I have the most best singing voice in the world (no power can reverse) that all my crushes love the most to hear. I wish that me and my boyfriends that will soon come will have the best of relationships. I wish that Francesca Earley in my class gets payback. I wish that everyone in the world is happy. Thank you.
Jul 29 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish my hair grows to what my crushes to love the most and everything about me changes to what my crushes love the most, I wish my personality changes to thar as well, all constantly changing to match what they love the most. And most of all, everyone that sees likes me as a friend the most (not perverts). I wish they like my personality, not my looks.
Jul 29 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish skipper the leader penguin he can talk i want him to come to life i want him to jumped off the paper i wish dave the purple octopus he can talk i want him to come to life i want him to jumped off the paper i wish corporal the polar bear he can talk i want him to come to life i want him to jumped off the paper i wish rico the blow things up one he can't talk he is acts like a bird i want him to come to life and jumped off the paper i wish kowalski the smart penguin he can talk i want him to come to life and jumped off the paper i wish short fuse the harp seal he can talk i want him to come to life and jumped off the paper i wish eva the snowy owl she can talk i want her to come to life and jumped off the paper i wish private the cute and cuddly one i want him to come to life he can talk i want him to jumped off the paper i wish my husband classified the wolf he can talk i want him to come to life and to jumped off the paper please vote
Jul 29 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I am a better dancer than Maddie Ziegler and I will be on Dance Moms. I will have a high arch in my feet and my mermaid shifting will work before school starts.
Jul 29 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to be a female chihuahua dog which is white and fluffy, my name will be "Elory Chihuahua" and I will know what I know right now. I will never get older, and be 8 in human years and dog years. I will be very healthy, and I will never get sick.
Jul 31 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I can have any toy and object I want, I will think about what it looks like and say "(what the thing is), come to me" and it will automatically come and I will not be able to make it go away. Plus when I am a chihuahua (previous wish), Everyone will understand me.
Jul 31 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish to have the power to heal, bring people back to life and fly. Even as a chihuahua, this shall come true. And in case I forgot on my chihuahua wish, I wish to never die.
Jul 31 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish I had a journal that granted all my wishes no matter how crazy.I also wish it had infinity pages and shocked anyone who tries to steal it.When I write a period on it the wish comes true as soon as I write it in the journal.Lastly I wish it had a drawing of parappa for the cover.
Jul 31 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that in any joural when i say i wish writen on joural paper it will come 100% real and true but when it only works when i write in it and as soon i write it down it will come true
Jul 31 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that I will be a health and beatiful girl. I will never need sugery or medication. When I get sick I wont need to go to the doctor or anything. I will always be a strong one.
Jul 31 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that when this wish reaches eight votes my life would be like Gong Xi in the movie Skip Beat. I will get into a showbiz, but then I fail. Then they will invite me back to inter their company. I will have to wear a costume when I am in there. I will meet a guy that is just like Mr.Lian. Mr.Lian will do the same thing he did to Gong Xi to me. After a while I will become an actor and act with people. This will happen when I grow up.
Jul 31 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish that when I turn into a chihuahua (one of my wishes), I can turn back human by saying "Super Human", and then back into a chihuahua by saying "Super Chihuahua".
Aug 01 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish it would snow, for my little brother Julian. I also wish for more toy Thomas trains for my little brother Julian. He wants Rosie, James, and Charlie.
Aug 01 2015
Other Wishes
  I wish Daxter from the videogame Jak and Daxter come to life go out of paper also he will speak greek and he will be with me forever we will be together also i wish to control the air the fire the earth the water my dog has problem with her health she can't breath very well i wish to be fine Please help me to make that wish come true You know how much someone needs to bring a person or something to life and control something
Aug 02 2015
Other Wishes